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During the years I have made numerous contributions to libre software projects. For example I created the branding and wikis of Hundred Papercuts <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/One%20Hundred%20Papercuts> and Ubuntu Evangelists <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu%20Evangelists>, and contributed for a long time to Ubuntu Bug Control <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/es20490446e>.

But due to my total absent on social media platforms nobody ever knew. So it usually happens to me that when I deal with new people online they frequently by default distrust me, cause I have little online presence.

As result I created a page <https://es20490446e.wordpress.com/testimonials/> where people could leave testimonial. If you think it's adequate I'm asking you to write something there. It doesn't need to be superb, just to let people know that some others don't hate me.

Thanks in advance 👍

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