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blender preview dialog box


Hi Juho,

I fixed the blender preview dialog box. The problem was basically the uppercase file extensions. Phatch only uses lower case as otherwise it gets messy in several parts (e.g. also in setup.py). Also I renamed 'lcd screen' to lcd. I added functionality so thumbnails can now show at different sizes (specified in models.py). So for Blender action i put it on 128x128.

This is an overview of the changes.

$ bzr commit -m "fix blender preview dialog"
Committing to: /home/stani/sync/python/phatch/trunk/
modified .bzrignore
modified setup.py
renamed data/blender/previews/box.JPG => data/blender/previews/box.jpg
renamed data/blender/previews/CD.JPG => data/blender/previews/cd.jpg
renamed data/blender/previews/lcd screen.JPG => data/blender/previews/lcd.jpg
modified phatch/core/models.py
modified phatch/lib/formField.py
modified phatch/lib/pyWx/popup.py
modified phatch/lib/pyWx/treeEdit.py
Committed revision 1205.

It was nice working with you all in irc #phatch ;-)

Best regards,
