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eee carrot+coriander install crash


Hi -

I was simply running the live USB until now ('official' ISOs or brothy
homebrew, installed using unetbootin) on my eee701 with no problems.
Today I tried installing, got a crash at the 90% "Checking for
packages to remove..." stage. More crash details here:

Has been discussed on IRC, thought it worth adding that I've got a
consistent crash now - the crash reported above was from my homebrew,
but I've now installed from the craftivism DVD ISO (with md5 checked
fine) and that gives me a crash with exactly the same stack trace. So
that says to me that it can't be anything to do with my local broth
building, and it's unlikely to be an IO glitch since it's so
consistent. It could perhaps be my bigmachine's unetbootin or
syslinux? Or sth to do with the Eee.

I originally tried standard partitioning, also tried manual choosing
ext3, no help. Others have installed fine on virtualbox or on some
other real objects. I can't factor out unetbootin/syslinux, since I
don't have an optical drive on the eee. Is anyone else able to test on
an eee or similar? Or any crafty ideas?


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