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Empty XmpTag.type and Value not set error at write() with empty XmpBag



I maybe have found some pyexiv2 issues now.

1) XmpTag.type returns '' in a case it should return
   some other value, namely 'Region' or 'RegionStruct'.
   Detailed information can be found in
   * http://dev.exiv2.org/boards/3/topics/1039#message-1065

2) If I try to set the value of a XmpBag to [''] for an empty
   bag containing nothing but structs, I get an "ValueError:
   Value not set" at write(). I was able to track this to

   A (quick) fix (for me) was:

        // Reset the value
   --   _datum->setValue(0);
   ++   _datum->setValue(std::string(""));
   ++   //  setValue(0) leads to "ValueError: Value not set"
   ++   //   if array=['']

I made this findings when adding MS Photo 1.2 RegionInfo and Metadata Working Group Regions schema to exiv2 for using with pyexiv2. For more information about the potential bugs see
 * http://dev.exiv2.org/boards/3/topics/1039#message-1065
 * http://dev.exiv2.org/boards/3/topics/1039#message-1064

For testing, the new namespaces need exiv2 revision 2644 plus patch appended to issue 798 (http://dev.exiv2.org/issues/798).


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Kryptografische Unterschrift

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