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[ANNOUNCE] sclapp version 0.5.3



sclapp version 0.5.3 is now available for download.  This release contains
several minor bugfixes and other small changes:

 * BackgroundFunction: make constructor arguments ``args``, ``kwargs``
   optional.  They default to an empty tuple, dict (respectively).
   (Forest Bond)

 * Shell: rather than wrapping ``pexpect.spawn``, sub-class it.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Shell: call ``self.exit()`` in ``__del__`` in case caller didn't clean up
   (Forest Bond)

 * Shell: Don't print "Exiting interactive shell..." when exiting interactive
   (Forest Bond)

 * Shell: implement method ``interact_with``, which starts an interactive
   session with a command executed within a sub-shell.
   (Forest Bond)

 * ``Shell.interact``, ``Shell.interact_with``: check exit status of sub-shell.
   If ``failure_exceptions`` or ``signal_exceptions`` are True, raise
   ``CommandFailed`` or ``CommandSignalled`` exceptions as appropriate.
   Otherwise, return the exit status of the command/shell executed.
   (Forest Bond)

See http://www.alittletooquiet.net/software/sclapp for more information.

This release is *not* compulsory for pytagsfs users, who may continue using
sclapp version 0.5.2 if it is more convenient.

Forest Bond

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