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timeline for eventual announcement


I am starting to feel fairly satisfied with the way the trunk is shaping up.
Tonight I made a list of things I would like to finish before tagging
version 0.5, which is somewhat arbitrary, but I can identify at least 5
major phases of development and it has been 5 months since I began the
project. The list includes:

* finish implementing customization of default units (nearly complete)
* finish reimplementing in-place modification of units property, with check
that .base is not a Quantity
* check that units have magnitude 1 before setting
* regular expression to convert exponents to unicode superscripts
* dont import constants by default, its time consuming
* option for constants to be loaded as regular Quantitys with an uncertainty
attribute, instead of UncertainQuantitys
* dimensionality property should return a copy (Quantity's dimensionality is
not meant to be messed with directly)
* UncertainQuantity arithmetic should check that uncertainty units are same
as the parent, (users could have modified the uncertainty's units in place)
* attempt to cover all features with unit tests, especially any listed in
* unit tests for ascii markup
* rework unit tests, reorganize into subpackage and modules that are run in
a specific order to catch errors as early as possible (get rid of
unittest.TestCase, it screws up the order of execution)
* proper implementation of __array__ and __array_wrap__ (need some input
from the numpy mailing list)
* find an appropriate value for __array_priority__
* pass through numpy docstrings where appropriate
* docstrings and api documentation
* documentation --- tutorial
* documentation --- discussion of Quantities' design
* consider removing remaining magic (auto-simplification or auto-rescaling
in a few places)
* any ufuncs that need to be supported?
* should dimensionalities get references to existing units, as is done now,
or should they get their own copies?

I would prefer to work on these issues myself, and I think it may take me
another month to work through the list.


Follow ups