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Re: [Question #219472]: Page preloading


Question #219472 on qpdfview changed:

Benjamin Eltzner posted a new comment:

1) If I understnad you correctly, the lack of prefetching occurs in presentation mode. I can confirm, that prefetching does not seem to work in presentation mode. This might be a bug. (Adam?)
2) If I remember correctly, prefetching only caches one page preceeding and one page following the current page. Increasing cache size will increase the number of documents for which this set of adjacent pages can be cached simultaneously, but not the number of pages cached for a single document. If I remember correctly, this decision was made because files with pages that take seconds to render are supposedly rare. (again: Adam?)
3) The lack of multithreading is due to the poppler library. This https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50992 discussion indicates, that the library will be thread safe from version 0.24 on. As libpoppler 0.22 has just been released, this will probably not hit Ubuntu before 14.04.
4) As a Qt based program, qpdfview unfortunately has to rely on the splash backend of the poppler library for rendering, which is not very well integrated. The same holds for Okular, while Evince, using the Cairo backend, frequently displays better rendering performance. If you are not afraid of "installing half of Gnome" and you can do without tabs if necessary, you might want to give Evince a shot for really heavy stuff.

Cheers, Benjamin

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