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[Question #291532]: Move file between instances


New question #291532 on qpdfview:


  The "instance" feature are the  real time saver for those who have to keep a lot of files open.
 It is not possible to underestimate it. The only thing are missing for me - the ability to move
already opened file between instances. This is a handy feature because currently it works
like this: open containing folder, remember file name, close tab, switch to the opened folder,
find a file, open it again.

  If it is possible, to add say, 'File/Move to another instance...'' functionality, it would be just great.

 On the related note, for better navigation in windows, I'm using the following adjustment to
window title:

=== modified file 'sources/mainwindow.cpp'
--- sources/mainwindow.cpp	2016-04-02 16:30:04 +0000
+++ sources/mainwindow.cpp	2016-04-12 10:08:44 +0000
@@ -2587,10 +2587,10 @@
     if(s_settings->mainWindow().instanceNameInWindowTitle() && !qApp->objectName().isEmpty())
-        instanceName = QLatin1String(" (") + qApp->objectName() + QLatin1String(")");
+        instanceName = QLatin1String("(") + qApp->objectName() + QLatin1String(") ");
-    setWindowTitle(tabText + QLatin1String("qpdfview") + instanceName);
+    setWindowTitle(QLatin1String("qpdfview") + instanceName + tabText);
 void MainWindow::setCurrentPageSuffixForCurrentTab()


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