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Am 07.11.2014 um 09:43 schrieb John Creamer:
I use Rednotebook essentially like a planner where I can not only keep notes, but also maintain my to do lists, appointment calendar, etc. For the To Do list, I use tags and have two categories: Tasks and Done. Obviously, I write down all the things I have to do under Tasks and then enter them under Done as they are completed. It's very convenient since I can use the journal to add explanations on the tasks or events I enter. However, in order to change the category of an item from "Tasks" to "Done", I cannot simply open the tag and change its category to "Done". When I left click on an entry, I can only change the entry text, not change its category. So my request would be to modify the right click behavior so that it opens the complete category + entry (i.e., the same window I get when adding a new entry) and I can simply change the category. If possible, it would be useful to also be able to change the date of the entry in this "edit entry" window.
Hi John,thanks for your suggestion! If the tag pane was to stay, this would indeed be a nice additional feature. However, it is planned to remove the tag panel in favor of the inline hashtags (see e.g. The reason is that for many users the additional panel just adds confusion and little benefit. Before the panel is removed, we need to make sure to cover all use cases, like the one you mention, with the hashtags.
Once we have "subhashtags" like #Tasks:Laundry I think your use case becomes actually easier to cover since you can just edit the text directly for each of the subhashtags. However, you will have to repeat "#Tasks:" for each task.
I created to keep track of the progress. Please discuss the issue there.
Cheers, Jendrik
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