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[Feature Request] Folder like tree structure 4 entries


I've really just started using this software, but it strikes me that had
I been using it for several years already, it would be handy to have a
viewable panel with a sort of tree-like structure, that shows every
single entry I've ever added, somewhat similar to how windows folders
are organised, but with a top level directory for each year, a sublevel
with months, and an entry level.. with a plus/minus option to display,
or not, each year/month and maybe a count next to each year/month, so we
can quickly and easily see how many entries were made each year/month.
This would be a great addition to the calendar method already available.

Maybe include the option to have a title for each entry, as well as a
date/time, and this tree list can display the titles of each entry along
with the date.

sorry If my request is unclear, I'd be happy to explain further..

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