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Re: tagging feature wish


Am 24.08.2011 07:55, schrieb MyO:
Hi, Michael!

To be able to right click within the body of a list of notes in the
main journal pane, and have a selection in the right click menu to
"insert tag here", which would then open up the Tag dialog box, and a
Tag could be selected from the "write entry" field, or else write a
new tag, then click "ok", and a tag marker would be added into the
text and also the tag name would be auto added to the
Annotate/Categories pane under the Tag category.  For example, for a
tag of todo, the marker in the main journal text could be in the
format "[tag:todo]" in bold format.  This will enable easy location of
the relevant information in a large journal entry.  Also it would be
good if when doing a tag search that the relevant text after where the
tag was inserted would be returned in the search text.
I would support that feature, at least the [tag:todo] insertion part
(of course, the "tag" portion of this thing must be on a user's
language ;) ).
Searching for it wouldn't be too complex.
thanks for your idea. However I think the proposed feature complicates things more than it simplifies anything. In a future version I will implement a user's idea and let tags be categories without content. This should make the understanding of the concept much simpler. Your anntotations to a day would then look like:

 * Work
 * Movies
     o Lord of the Rings
 * Project X
 * Ideas
     o Simplify annotations

Here Work and Project X are tags for the day and Movies and Ideas are regular categories with content.


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