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[Bug 599927] [NEW] "missing print filter for printer Officejet-7200-Series


Public bug reported:

7200 Series Printer Filter Missing:

10.04 (Lucid), HPLIP 3.10.5, Dev Mgr Ver 15.0 (Qt4)

Ubuntu Apport problem info uploaded via ubuntu-bug -p hplip
Printing TroubleShooter Output was:
Sorry! There is no obvious solution...Please include this info:
Edited extraneous info for excessive length...
Page 1 (Scheduler not running?):
{'cups_connection_failure': False}
Page 2 (Choose printer):
{'cups_dest': <cups.Dest Officejet-7200-series (default)>,
 'cups_instance': None,
 'cups_queue': 'Officejet-7200-series',
 'cups_queue_listed': True}
Page 3 (Check printer sanity):
{'cups_device_uri_scheme': u'hp',
 'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': u'hp:/usb/Officejet_7200_series?serial=MY617H82CM0406',
                       'printer-info': u'HP Officejet 7200 series',
                       'printer-is-shared': True,
                       'printer-location': u'josephbus-desktop',
                       'printer-make-and-model': u'HP Officejet 7200 Series hpijs, 3.10.2rc1.9',
                       'printer-state': 3,
                       'printer-state-message': u'',
                       'printer-state-reasons': [u'cups-missing-filter-warning'],
                       'printer-type': 8556572,
                       'printer-uri-supported': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/Officejet-7200-series'},
 'cups_printer_remote': False,
 'hplip_output': (['',
                   '\x1b[01mHP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.10.5)\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01mDevice Information Utility ver. 5.2\x1b[0m',
                   'Copyright (c) 2001-9 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP',
                   'This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.',
                   'This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it',
                   'under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.',
                   '\x1b[01mDevice Parameters (dynamic data):\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01m  Parameter                     Value(s)                                                  \x1b[0m',
                   '  ----------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------',
                   '  agent1-ack                    False                                                     ',
                   '  agent1-desc                   Black cartridge                                           ',
                   '  agent1-dvc                    0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-health                 0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-health-desc            Good/OK                                                   ',
                   '  agent1-hp-ink                 False                                                     ',
                   '  agent1-id                     0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-kind                   3                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-known                  False                                                     ',
                   '  agent1-level                  0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-level-trigger          0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-sku                    94 (C8765WN)/96 (C8767WN)                                 ',
                   '  agent1-type                   1                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-virgin                 False                                                     ',
                   '  agent2-ack                    False                                                     ',
                   '  agent2-desc                   Tri-color cartridge                                       ',
                   '  agent2-dvc                    0                                                         ',
                   '  agent2-health                 0                                                         ',
                   '  agent2-health-desc            Good/OK                                                   ',
                   '  agent2-hp-ink                 False                                                     ',
                   '  agent2-id                     0                                                         ',
                   '  agent2-kind                   3                                                         ',
                   '  agent2-known                  False                                                     ',
                   '  agent2-level                  0                                                         ',
                   '  agent2-level-trigger          0                                                         ',
                   '  agent2-sku                    95 (C8766WN)/97 (C9363WN)                                 ',
                   '  agent2-type                   2                                                         ',
                   '  agent2-virgin                 False                                                     ',
                   '  back-end                      hp                                                        ',
                   "  cups-printers                 ['Officejet-7200-series']                                 ",
                   '  cups-uri                      hp:/usb/Officejet_7200_series?serial=MY617H82CM0406       ',
                   '  dev-file                                                                                ',
                   '  device-state                  1                                                         ',
                   '  device-uri                    hp:/usb/Officejet_7200_series?serial=MY617H82CM0406       ',
                   '  deviceid                      MFG:HP;MDL:Officejet 7200                                 ',
                   '                                series;CMD:MLC,PCL,PML,DW-PCL,DESKJET,DYN;1284.4DL:4d,4e,1',
                   '                                ;CLS:PRINTER;DES:6543;SN:MY617H82CM0406;S:038000C484001021',
                   '                                002c1800000c2880000;J: ;Z:0102,0503f167015cc7,0600;       ',
                   '  duplexer                      0                                                         ',
                   '  error-state                   0                                                         ',
                   '  fax-uri                       hpfax:/usb/Officejet_7200_series?serial=MY617H82CM0406    ',
                   '  host                                                                                    ',
                   '  in-tray1                      True                                                      ',
                   '  in-tray2                      False                                                     ',
                   '  is-hp                         True                                                      ',
                   '  media-path                    3                                                         ',
                   '  panel                         0                                                         ',
                   '  panel-line1                                                                             ',
                   '  panel-line2                                                                             ',
                   '  photo-tray                    0                                                         ',
                   '  port                          1                                                         ',
                   '  r                             2                                                         ',
                   '  revision                      3                                                         ',
                   '  rg                            000                                                       ',
                   '  rr                            000002                                                    ',
                   '  rs                            000000002                                                 ',
                   '  scan-uri                      hpaio:/usb/Officejet_7200_series?serial=MY617H82CM0406    ',
                   '  serial                        MY617H82CM0406                                            ',
                   '  status-code                   1000                                                      ',
                   '  status-desc                   Idle                                                      ',
                   '  supply-door                   0                                                         ',
                   '  top-door                      1                                                         ',
                   'Model Parameters (static data):\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01m  Parameter                     User      Job ID  \x1b[0m',
                   '  --------------------  -----  ----------------------------------------  --------  --------',
                   '  06/29/10 11:42:27     1000   Idle                                      josephbu  0       ',
                   '                                                                         s                 ',
                  ['\x1b[35;01mwarning: No display found.\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[31;01merror: hp-info -u/--gui requires Qt4 GUI support. Entering interactive mode.\x1b[0m',
 'is_cups_class': False,
 'local_cups_queue_attributes': {'auth-info-required': u'none',
                                 'charset-configured': u'utf-8',
                                 'charset-supported': [u'us-ascii', u'utf-8'],
                                 'color-supported': True,
                                 'compression-supported': [u'none', u'gzip'],
                                 'copies-default': 1,
                                 'copies-supported': (1, 9999),
                                 'cups-version': u'1.4.3',
                                 'device-uri': u'hp:/usb                                 'notify-events-supported': [u'job-completed',
                                 'printer-name': u'Officejet-7200-series',
                                 'printer-op-policy': u'default',
                                 'printer-op-policy-supported': [u'authenticated',
                                 'printer-settable-attributes-supported': [u'printer-info',
                                 'printer-state': 3,
                                 'printer-state-change-time': 1277836917,
                                 'printer-state-message': u'',
                                 'printer-state-reasons': [u'cups-missing-filter-warning'],
                                 'printer-type': 8556572,
                                 'printer-up-time': 1277836946,
                                 'printer-uri-supported': [u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/Officejet-7200-series'],
Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://josephbus-desktop:631/printers/Officejet-7200-series) from localhost',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/91',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] [Job 91] Loading attributes...',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/91) from localhost',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:21 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 11 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/91',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/91) from localhost',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 11 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 11 1.1 Cancel-Subscription 1',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] Cancel-Subscription /',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="josephbus"',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] Returning IPP successful-ok for Cancel-Subscription (/) from localhost',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdAcceptClient: 17 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 17 GET /admin/log/error_log HTTP/1.1',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files',
               'D [29/Jun/2010:11:43:32 -0700] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.'],
 'error_log_debug_logging_unset': True}
Page 11 (Printer state reasons):
{'printer-state-message': u'Filter "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip-hplip" for printer "Officejet-7200-series" not available: No such file or directory',
 'printer-state-reasons': [u'cups-missing-filter-warning']}
Page 12 (Locale issues):
{'printer_page_size': u'letter',
 'system_locale_lang': None,
 'user_locale_ctype': 'en_US',
 'user_locale_messages': 'en_US'}

** Affects: null
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

"missing print filter for printer Officejet-7200-Series
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Follow ups
