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Message #01080
Re: [Question #230140]: some questions
Question #230140 on rohc changed:
Status: Open => Answered
Didier Barvaux proposed the following answer:
> do you prepare to realize the R_MODE in the near future?
> how long is it, my teacher?
No plan yet. If you're interested in it quickly, either contribute to
the library, or support someone to do it if you cannot do it yourself.
> In additon, when will the TCP/IP profile be realized and appear in front
> of us readers?
> As for the TCP profile. It is available in a separate dev branch: [...]
> Use with some caution, it is still beta quality, can I use it now?
The TCP profile lies in a separate branch for the moment. It is beta
quality now, so you can use it for testing purposes but you should not
use it for anything serious for the moment. I hope to integrate the TCP
profile in the 1.7.0 release (no release date scheduled exactly, but
don't expect it before 6 months at least since 1.6.0 is about to be
> As for what you answered above,I still have a question .
> Compressor/decompressor start in U-mode, If a feedback channel is
> not defined (= decompressor is not associated with another local
> compressor), just did not configure a feedback channel for your
> decompressors.if so,there is no feedback datas between two
> communicaiton entity(Compressor or decompressor) in the
> interactive process at all? is it right,please correct what I said
It is correct. If you don't configure a feedback channel, you won't have
any feedback mechanism.
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