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Re: Problem Regarding ROHC Implementation



>    - Thank you very much for the help. I updated my rohc version to
> 1.6.1 and followed the installation instructions that you recommended.
>    - Everything was fine and all the tests were ok.

Fine :)

> But now I've been working in another problem related with the
> "Getting started" section
> [...]
>    - It seems that the link with the ROHC library isn't working. I
> got the same error when I put the "gcc -o rohc_hello_world -Wall
>    rohc_hello_world.c".

It looks like a problem with pkg-config. What's the output of
the following commands:
 $ pkg-config rohc --modversion
 $ pkg-config rohc --cflags
 $ pkg-config rohc --libs

And, last question: what prefix did you specify to the configure script?


Opensource ROHC library - http://rohc-lib.org/

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