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Message #00150
Re: Plugin Context object
Hi Jon,
I've updated change request of our implemetation of vanilla Hadoop provider:
Please note that it is draft version and there are a lot of code to
improve. Though you can find the main points there.
Just in case I describe tips and tricks to operate with objects inside
the plugin:
1. Instances and remote calls.
Instance objects represents actual VMs on OpenStack. Once all
instances are provisioned Savanna controller calls configure_cluster()
of some plugin and cluster object contains all that instances. Note, all
instances are stored inside cirtain node group.
a. You want iterate over all instances to get its hostnames:
def configure_cluster(self, cluster):
for ng in cluster.node_groups:
for instance in ng.instances:
print instance.hostname
Please refer to available fields and properties of Instance object here:
b. You want to execute some command via ssh on each instance:
def configure_cluster(self, cluster):
for ng in cluster.node_groups:
for instance in ng.instances:
retcode, buf instance.remote.excute_command('ls
print ret, buf
where ret is returned code and buf is output of the executed command
If you want to copy some data to the some file on the VM you can use:
data = 'line1\nline2\n'
instance.remote.write_file_to('/etc/hadoop/config.xml', data)
to read some file
data = instance.remote.read_file_from('remote_file')
Please see _push_configs_to_nodes() method in in my change
request(link above).
2. Cluster, NodeGroup and Instnce extra field.
Once your plugin recieves 'cluster' object you can use 'extra' field
for any needs. Extra fields will be available in 'cluster' object always.
For example you want to remember any object to operate with it directly
not iterating over and over all instances.
In my plugin implementation I want to remeber NameNode management_ip and
hostname to push some configs only to this VM.
cluster.extra['nn_instance'] = None
for node_group in cluster.node_groups:
ng_proc = node_group.node_processes
for instance in node_group.instances:
if 'namenode' in ng_proc:
cluster.extra['nn_instance'] = instance
#then we can format namenode, for example
cluster.extra['nn_instance'].remote.execute_command("su -c 'hadoop
namenode -format' hadoop")
3. Nova
Just import it:
from savanna.utils.openstack import nova
# list of images
# flavors
You can find more nova usages here:
I hope this will help to integrate your provider. Please feel free to
ask any questions about invocations and object usage.
Alexander Ignatov
On 6/6/2013 12:07 AM, Jon Maron wrote:
Can the Plugin SPI document
be updated with some information regarding the context object and its
associated services/APIs? In our implementation we are still
interacting directly with nova/ssh etc and we need an understanding of
how to migrate those invocations with the context of the savanna server.
-- Jon