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Re: bad zope.html egg


So it is not working the same way your test instance did?


On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 10:16 PM, Alan Elkner <aelkner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I did the same copy on SLA's machine as I did in my local instance
> (even double-checked the directories against each other).  The
> NotFound error is no longer happening, but the editor control is now
> being replaced with nothing which is no better.
> I'd be interested in hearing what people can suggest.
> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:55 PM, Alan Elkner <aelkner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I did that in my test instance, and it worked.  The editor control
>> loads and correctly saves and restores the content, including the html
>> markup.
>> I could do that for SLA tonight, but I thought it might be prudent to
>> have the proper solution before hacking an egg in a live instance like
>> that.
>> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Tom Hoffman <tom.hoffman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Alan Elkner <aelkner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I'm encountering an error using the zope.html egg's fckeditor
>>>> sub-package.  The problem manifests itself in Not Found errors
>>>> appearing in my view where the fckeditor control should.  After poking
>>>> around with pdb, I found the line of code that failed:
>>>> .../eggs/zope.browserresource-3.10.2-py2.5.egg/zope/browserresource/directory.py
>>>> (line 91)
>>>> where it does a raise NotFound because it is unable to locate the
>>>> following directory:
>>>> .../eggs/zope.html-1.2.0-py2.5.egg/zope/html/fckeditor/editor
>>>> The reason it can't find that directory is that under the fckeditor
>>>> directory there only exists one entry, a directory named:
>>>> Under that directory, I find the fckeditor directory with a full
>>>> editor directory under it.  The only reason I can guess for this is
>>>> that something failed to load the contents of
>>>> .../fckeditor/ into .../fckeditor.  Could this be a
>>>> setup.py problem in schooltool itself, somehow not directing the
>>>> package to extract itself?
>>>> Please advise as I have the customer at SLA urgently waiting for a
>>>> working instance, and this is the final thing that needs to be
>>>> resolved.
>>> Have you tried moving the directory to where the server expects it to be?
>>> --Tom

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