schooltool-developers team mailing list archive
schooltool-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #00249
Fwd: Use of SchoolTool Logo
So... as you can see below these folks are apparently planning on shipping
SchoolTool on their school in a box network appliance. SchoolTool is
already named in their brochure.
I suggested that perhaps we should meet to talk about how this will actually
work. I don't think they've shipped the new product they intend to put
SchoolTool on. Regardless, this is exactly the kind of thing we want,
especially if they're tied into Intel's overall education network.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaidip Edathil <jedathil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 4:34 AM
Subject: Use of SchoolTool Logo
To: hoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello there,
I am from Critical Links, and we provide a hardware platform for schools
that is primarily focused on networking and administration aspects, but we
also provide a learning infrastructure which includes LMS, LAMS, SIS,
Classmate PC Management (For Intel classmate PCs – we are an Intel partner)
We intend to use the SchoolTool open source package (SIS) for distribution
along with our equipment (Education Appliance) and we would like to have
your permission to use your logo in our marketing collateral (presentations,
flyers etc.).
Please let me know if this is OK? I would really appreciate a quick response
on this - Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
* *
*Jai Edathil*
Marketing Manager
*Critical Links Inc*
695 Route 46 West, Suite 104
Fairfield, NJ 07004, USA
Phone: +1 973 276 9006 x1014
Cell: +1 214 417 3277
[image: cid:218452917@07062010-1366]

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