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Section linkage views


Hey Guys,

In my latest commit to my section term linkage branch,
lp:~aelkner/schooltool/term_linkage, I created the 'All Terms' view
that has a complete overview of the section for the whole schoolyear
as described in the functional test, section_linkage.txt:

“When we click the All Terms link in the section view, we get to a view that
has a table with one column per term.  The section that is the context will
 appear in the column for its term with a section title link and a listing of
 the teachers and students of that section.  Any section in other terms which

are linked to the context will have their column filled in with their teachers
 and students.  This allows the user to see how the roster has changed in the
 section from term to term.

Any term for which there is no section, provided it comes after the term of the
 last linked section, will have two action links.  One will allow the user to
 extend the section to that term by copying it and linking it.  The other will
 bring the user to a search view for finding an existing section in that term

for the user to select for linking.

I've attached a screenshot of an example which demonstrates the
statements above.  Though I mention the view for linking to an
existing section, I haven't created that one yet.  I'll be adding that
in an upcoming commit.

I added CSS classes to schooltool.css that make the table follow the
guidelines laid out on page 27 of the Ubuntu style guide.  That
includes the dotted line as border-bottom of table cells.  I chose
220px as column width rather than 140px because it seemed too narrow,
and people will rarely use more than four terms.

The content-header slot at the top has a table with course and year,
with links to each.  I used border-right of 40px rather than cramming
them together with only a tightly squeezed-in vertical bar to separate
them.  Since each term's section roster is proceeded by a title link,
the user can easily navigate to the section for the desired term.  The
only question is whether the term title in the table headings should
be links to the terms as well.

Anyway, I also attached a screenshot of the changed section index.html
view which now has a table at the top describing the section, then an
All Terms link to get to the section linkage view, followed by a list
of links for the sections in the the other terms that the section is
linked to.  The links are listed with the text being the term's title,
but clicking the link takes the user to the section.  Perhaps the link
should say 'Math (1) of Third' instead of just 'Third'.  I can't
decide which would be best.  What makes me want to change the text is
that there is a link to the section's term view that has the term's
title right above the All Terms link.  That could be confusing.

Please make any comments or suggestions, and any code review prior to
our meeting would help me make any adjustments this week.


Attachment: linkage_view.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: section_view.png
Description: PNG image

Follow ups