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SchoolTool 1.9.2 release


One behalf of the SchoolTool team,

I am happy to announce, that

SchoolTool 1.9.2 release is now available

This release is focused on solving outstanding bugs in the new skin,
color updates, evolution and test fixes, calendaring, timetables,
security, speed, and other improvements.

To see what's new, read http://book.schooltool.org/1.9-release-notes.html


and similar pages on launchpad for the other plugins.

The "flourish" series is currently packaged in SchoolTool flourish PPA
for Ubuntu oneiric and natty. To add it::

  $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:schooltool-owners/dev


  $ sudo apt-get update
  $ sudo apt-get install schooltool python-schooltool
python-schooltool.gradebook python-schooltool.lyceum.journal

NOTE: If you have installed schooltool 1.9.1 on oneiric from the
regular SchoolTool PPA, you need to add the "/dev" PPA again, because
the packages have been moved there to make room for updates to oneiric

The final "flourish" release, schooltool 2.0, is scheduled for release
on November 22nd. Please test the latest packages and report issues
you find to https://bugs.launchpad.net/schooltool-project
