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scenario: to invite Teachers for a semaster planning meeting.


When you create a new event, you have the option to book the resources
for the event, but not inviting peoples. What about a feature to allow
people in event without creating a section to hold them?

In fact, if you can invite people, users would expect the people would
are invited to receive an email invitation and might even expect users
can deny or accept it.

Name this feature "announce event" if schooltool doesn't give people
chance to reject the invitation;

Name this feature "include people" if schooltool doesn't even send email
message of the event;

Piratically users might accept or even prefer a solution that a
invitation is let go through a long "mailto:"; anchor (anchor =
<a..>..</a>) that specifies mail body too. Reason: user naturally doubt
if a intranet web system can properly deliver email (many of them really
don't), but they are sure their email client works fine. They can also
be reassured seeing the invitation sleeps in SENT mailbox.

In our deployment, "announce event" would be sufficient. Not sure of others.

I hesitate to start a bug / feature request because I don't know which
way we might go, and if not decided, it is too abstract to file in a

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