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Re: scenario: to invite Teachers for a semaster planning meeting.


On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Zhang Weiwu <zhangweiwu@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> When you create a new event, you have the option to book the resources
> for the event, but not inviting peoples. What about a feature to allow
> people in event without creating a section to hold them?
> In fact, if you can invite people, users would expect the people would
> are invited to receive an email invitation and might even expect users
> can deny or accept it.

I'd file this under "obviously useful features that we'd love someone
else to pay for and/or implement."  Now that we got a decent system
for sending emails, it would be even more useful.  It just isn't a big
priority for the core Mark-funded development team right now.

