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Re: Fwd: PulseAudio sound plugin for Squeak


Gee, thanks Amos! It never occurred to me to check my email attachments,
doh! Or, as it just occurred to me, the Linux VM on the machine I'm sat
in front of, double doh! :-)))

Here's the cloest I will ever come to twittering: just been configuring
Cairo Dock on my media machine, it looks stunningly gorgeous on my big
screen tv :-)


On 12/02/2010 14:36, Amos Blanton wrote:
> Hi Derek -
> I did some searching and.... the binary in the attached file is the same as
> the one in the current package (and it includes the source). After stripping
> the included binary it was the same size as the one in the current deb
> package. And it works just as well too.
> -Amos
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: John Maloney <jmaloney@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 6:16 AM
> Subject: PulseAudio sound plugin for Squeak
> To: Ian Piumarta <piumarta@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Bert Freudenberg <
> bert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Sayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: Derek O'Connell <doc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Amos Blanton <
> amos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Greetings, Ian, Bert, and Sayamindu.
> I would like to introduce you to an extremely good hacker who has been doing
> a lot of great work on Squeak plugins, sometimes having to resort to
> super-hero levels of Unix debugging to understand deep problems.
> Derek fought long and hard with Squeak sound on the Nokia N810. When it
> became clear that their ALSA library was seriously broken, and he ended up
> writing a Squeak sound plugin that talks directly to Maemo's low-level sound
> API.
> Another task Derek took on was to make camera input work well with a wide
> variety of video devices on Linux by finding and using a library that
> supports automatic format conversion.
> Most recently -- and the reason I'm writing -- Derek wrote a new Squeak
> sound plugin that supports PulseAudio (PA). As you probably know, quite a
> few Linux distros have recently switched to PulseAudio, which broke the
> Squeak ALSA sound plugin. (Although PA has an ALSA compatibility layer, that
> layer does not support the asynchronous part of the ALSA API, which the
> Squeak ALSA plugin depends upon.)
> I'm attaching the latest source and a binary (for Ubuntu 9.04) of the
> plugin. Both playback and recording work well, although there is some
> latency in playback that we are looking into.
>        -- John
> P.S. Bert, we first tried the same workaround of using OSS. That worked for
> playback, but sound recording was unreliable: sometimes it did nothing and
> sometimes it actually crashed Squeak.
> On Sep 7, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>>>> For Etoys I added a workaround, we fall back to OSS when we detect PA:
>>>> http://tracker.squeakland.org/browse/SQ-214
>>>> - Bert -

Follow ups
