Just tried building scratch on Fedora 12 x86_64. One edit to the spec
file was needed to get a build.
Change line 180 from:
%setup -q
%setup -q -n scratch
After that it builds a binary package. But it won't run.
scratch_squeak_vm ends up in /usr/lib64/scratch/App instead of /usr/bin.
A symlink fixed that. Then it wouldn't run because the scratch shell
script is looking in /usr/lib/scratch instead of /usr/lib64/scratch.
Easy enough to fix. And if everything was fine after that I'd be
posting a .patch file to deal with those and declaring it ready to go.
After those easy fixes it comes up and I could play around with it but
it ain't right. Anything involving File open/save blows up. Can't see
a way to cut/paste the error message but can send a screencap if it
would help. When I attempted to use the camera all I got was black.
Help Page... and Help Screens... do nothing.