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Re: [Question #169514]: Scroll bar to work with Java


Question #169514 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Needs information

RaiMan requested more information:
more detailed information would be helpful (only answered partly):
- what system???

- what application
My App has a yahoo light box in a browser and in that light box I have a scroll bar to scroll which enables a button for me to click and continue the process.

- which browser?

- how does scrolling work normally (drag scrollbar, wheel support,

-- the general workflow for such a script:

--1. evaluate the working region
this might be the browser window or even better, the area of the light box

--2. prepare for scrolling
this depends on how the scrolling can be activated and processed (e.g. is mouse hovering and wheeling sufficient or has the scrollbar to be dragged). In the latter case, you have to evaluate the position of the scrollbar.

--3. scroll and click
you have to scroll until your button gets visible and then click it

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