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Re: [Question #176949]: Help to make a bot


Question #176949 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
Yes, dofus might be a stupid game, but looking at it from the graphics
standpoint, it is rather complex: each moveable figure has at least 4
different shapes (one for each direction). And figures might overlap,
which is very hard to discover with a script.

So I think, it is very hard and time consuming, to follow/find a figure,
that is moving (but may be possible).

Again, I doubt, that the effort you have to invest into a really
supporting script will ever pay back.

But you are always welcome, to come back if you have any specific Sikuli
questions on the road. And I will always be willing to have a look into
one of your scripts - just send me your zipped .sikuli using the mail at

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