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Re: [Question #142644]: Want to use win32com to access excel sheets - try python package xlrd


Question #142644 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
--- using .dll's
What ever sort of DLL you want to use with Sikuli, you will not have direct access to any API. You would have to make some JNI-wrapper or use something like SWIG.

In this area, I can not help you further, since this has nothing to do
with Sikuli. It is the general challenge for Java applications to access
native dynamic libraries.

--- Why do you not use some simple VBA macros, that could be easily
integrated with Sikuli's GUI handling?

--- For now I am cleaning email folders via Sikuli (using image recognition)
But it takes a lot of time and is not always success.

- this is my experience: I am sure your scripts could be made much
faster and more reliable, by restricting search regions, use calculated
click points and keyboard shortcuts where possible.

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