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Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #690155]: how to use a button to use selectRegion in java
Re: [Question #690155]: how to use a button to use selectRegion in java
From: wu, 2020-04-28
Re: [Question #690142]: cant find ready commands
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-24
[Question #690155]: how to use a button to use selectRegion in java
From: wu, 2020-04-24
[Question #690154]: targetOffset in Sikulix 2.1.0 not work
From: ThinkClouds, 2020-04-24
[Question #690142]: cant find ready commands
From: giannis kampanakis, 2020-04-24
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x --- workaround
From: ThinkClouds, 2020-04-22
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x
From: ThinkClouds, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x
From: ThinkClouds, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690034]: [2.0.x] Windows: App.open("cmd.exe /c .....") does not work as in 1.1.x
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690078]: [2.1.0] SikuliX IDE does not work with JDK 14
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #690078]: [2.1.0] SikuliX IDE does not work with JDK 14
From: Nobunaga Oda, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690078]: [2.1.0] SikuliX IDE does not work with JDK 14
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690078]: [2.1.0] SikuliX IDE does not work with JDK 14
From: Nobunaga Oda, 2020-04-22
Re: [Question #690078]: [2.1.0] SikuliX IDE does not work
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-22
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-22
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-22
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-22
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-28
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-29
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-30
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-30
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-05-01
Re: [Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: RaiMan, 2020-05-01
[Question #690084]: Sikulixapi-2.0.4 not working after creating a jar of my Java SWt desktop application
From: Kunal Deshpande, 2020-04-21
Re: [Question #689729]: Sikuli text recognition not returning correct text
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2020-04-21
[Question #690078]: [2.1.0] SikuliX IDE does not work
From: Nobunaga Oda, 2020-04-20
Re: [Question #690034]: App.open() in Windows with 10 UWP apps not work
From: ThinkClouds, 2020-04-20
[Bug 1873743] [NEW] error when importing xlrd module in 2.0.5 nightly
From: umesh, 2020-04-20
[Bug 1873743] Re: [2.0.4] error when importing xlrd module (encoding error)
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-20
[Bug 1873743] Re: [2.0.4] error when importing xlrd module (encoding error) --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Bug 1873743] Re: [2.0.4] error when importing xlrd module (encoding error) --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-14
Re: [Question #690050]: Sikuli 2.0.4 support for windows 2019 server 64 bit
From: Selva, 2020-04-19
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #690050]: Sikuli 2.0.4 support for windows 2019 server 64 bit
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-20
Re: [Question #690050]: Sikuli 2.0.4 support for windows 2019 server 64 bit
From: Selva, 2020-04-20
Re: [Question #690050]: Sikuli 2.0.4 support for windows 2019 server 64 bit
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-21
[Question #690050]: Sikuli 2.0.4 support for windows 2019 server 64 bit
From: Selva, 2020-04-19
Re: [Question #690034]: App.open() Windows 10 Apps (in AppsFolder)
From: ThinkClouds, 2020-04-19
[Question #690034]: App.open() Windows 10 Apps (in AppsFolder)
From: ThinkClouds, 2020-04-18
[Question #690002]: About Docker Support
From: Markur, 2020-04-16
Re: [Question #689952]: FindFailed with perfect score
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-16
Re: [Question #689956]: Trouble using onChange in a for loop
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689956]: Trouble using onChange in a for loop
From: Mangin Matthias, 2020-04-16
Re: [Question #689956]: Trouble using onChange in a for loop
From: Mangin Matthias, 2020-04-16
[Question #689956]: Trouble using onChange in a for loop
From: Mangin Matthias, 2020-04-16
[Bug 1873134] [NEW] Difference in similarities (match score) given by same image in SikuliX 1.1.1 and SikuliX 2.0.x
From: umesh, 2020-04-16
[Bug 1873134] Re: Difference in similarities given by same image in SikuliX 1.1.1 and SikuliX 2.0.x
From: umesh, 2020-04-16
[Bug 1873134] Re: Difference in similarities (match score) given by same image in SikuliX 1.1.1 and SikuliX 2.0.x
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-16
[Question #689952]: FindFailed with perfect score
From: Jason, 2020-04-16
Re: [Question #689865]: Cannot open file that is located on different volume via subprocess.Popen
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-15
Re: [Question #689934]: Can i run Sikuli in AWS ec2-machine ? with the help of Xvfb
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689934]: Can i run Sikuli in AWS ec2-machine ? with the help of Xvfb
From: sk sairaj, 2020-04-15
Re: [Question #689934]: Can i run Sikuli in AWS ec2-machine ? with the help of Xvfb
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-15
Re: [Question #689934]: Can i run Sikuli in AWS ec2-machine ? with the help of Xvfb
From: sk sairaj, 2020-04-15
Re: [Question #689934]: Can i run Sikuli in AWS ec2-machine ? with the help of Xvfb
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-15
Re: [Question #689934]: Can i run Sikuli in AWS ec2-machine ? with the help of Xvfb
From: sk sairaj, 2020-04-15
[Question #689934]: Can i run Sikuli in AWS ec2-machine ? with the help of Xvfb
From: sk sairaj, 2020-04-15
[Bug 1872925] [NEW] similar(float sim) function removal from sikuli 2.0.x without deprecation is causing regression
From: umesh, 2020-04-15
[Bug 1872925] Re: similar(float sim) function removal from sikuli 2.0.x without deprecation is causing regression
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-15
[Bug 1872925] Re: [2.0.x] Pattern.similar(float sim) function missing
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Bug 1872925] Re: [2.0.x] Pattern.similar(float sim) function missing
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Bug 1872924] [NEW] py file from Lib folder parallel to sikuli.jar does not get auto imported
From: umesh, 2020-04-15
[Bug 1872924] Re: py file from Lib folder parallel to sikuli.jar does not get auto imported
From: umesh, 2020-04-15
[Bug 1872924] Re: py file from Lib folder parallel to sikuli.jar does not get auto imported
From: umesh, 2020-04-15
[Bug 1872924] Re: py file from Lib folder parallel to sikuli.jar does not get auto imported in Sikuli 2.0.x
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-15
[Bug 1872924] Re: py file from Lib folder parallel to sikuli.jar does not get auto imported in Sikuli 2.0.x
From: umesh, 2020-04-16
[Bug 1872924] Re: py file from Lib folder parallel to sikuli.jar does not get auto imported in Sikuli 2.0.x
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-16
Re: [Question #689868]: Retrieving txt from Match results issue as access violation
From: Selva, 2020-04-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689868]: Retrieving txt from Match results issue as access violation
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-04-14
Re: [Question #689868]: Retrieving txt from Match results issue as access violation
From: Selva, 2020-04-16
Re: [Question #689868]: Retrieving txt from Match results issue as access violation
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-04-17
Re: [Question #689868]: Retrieving txt from Match results issue as access violation
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2020-05-02
[Question #689868]: Retrieving txt from Match results issue as access violation
From: Selva, 2020-04-13
[Question #689865]: Cannot open file that is located on different volume via subprocess.Popen
From: Artem Koval, 2020-04-13
[Bug 1872369] [NEW] IDE won't save source files on .sikuli folder
From: diego wanch, 2020-04-12
[Bug 1872369] Re: IDE won't save source files on .sikuli folder
From: diego wanch, 2020-04-12
[Bug 1872369] Re: IDE won't save source files on .sikuli folder
From: diego wanch, 2020-04-13
[Bug 1872369] Re: IDE won't save source files on .sikuli folder
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-15
[Question #689848]: Is there a way of ensuring that only the required number of clicks are carried out?
From: Mark McGuinn, 2020-04-12
[Bug 1872174] [NEW] [WIn10]Error when trying to run a script in SikulixIDE-2.0.4
From: Petru Birgoveanu, 2020-04-11
[Bug 1872174] Re: [WIn10]Error when trying to run a script in SikulixIDE-2.0.4
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-11
[Bug 1872174] Re: [WIn10]Error when trying to run a script in SikulixIDE-2.0.4
From: Petru Birgoveanu, 2020-04-11
[Bug 1872174] Re: [WIn10]Error when trying to run a script in SikulixIDE-2.0.4
From: Petru Birgoveanu, 2020-04-11
[Bug 1872174] Re: [WIn10]Error when trying to run a script in SikulixIDE-2.0.4
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-12
[Bug 1872174] Re: [WIn10]Error when trying to run a script in SikulixIDE-2.0.4
From: Petru Birgoveanu, 2020-04-13
[Bug 1872116] [NEW] END button on keyboard moves cursor one space to left
From: Chris Rutka, 2020-04-10
[Bug 1872116] Re: END button on keyboard moves cursor one space to left
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Bug 1872116] Re: [2.0.4] IDE: Windows: END button on keyboard moves cursor one space to left
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-14
[Bug 1872116] Re: [2.0.4] IDE: Windows: END button on keyboard moves cursor one space to left
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-14
[Bug 1872116] Re: [2.0.4] IDE: Windows: END button on keyboard moves cursor one space to left --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-14
Re: [Question #689782]: Region text read not always returning correct text
From: Mark McGuinn, 2020-04-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689782]: Region text read not always returning correct text
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689782]: Region text read not always returning correct text
From: Mark McGuinn, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689782]: Region text read not always returning correct text
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689782]: Region text read not always returning correct text
From: Mark McGuinn, 2020-04-09
[Question #689782]: Region text read not always returning correct text
From: Mark McGuinn, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: Peter Zejda, 2020-04-08
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: Peter Zejda, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: Peter Zejda, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: Peter Zejda, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: Peter Zejda, 2020-04-10
Re: [Question #689767]: addHotkey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: Peter Zejda, 2020-04-10
[Question #689767]: addHotKey cannot coerce 3rd argument to HotkeyListener
From: Peter Zejda, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689756]: Focusing a field of a client application
From: Pritam Biswas, 2020-04-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689756]: Focusing a field of a client application
From: Pritam Biswas, 2020-04-07
Re: [Question #689756]: Focusing a field of a client application
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689756]: Focusing a field of a client application
From: Pritam Biswas, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689756]: Focusing a field of a client application
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-08
[Question #689756]: Focusing a field of a client application
From: Pritam Biswas, 2020-04-07
Re: [Question #689737]: OCR does not install on ubuntu 18.04
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-06
[Question #689737]: OCR does not install on ubuntu 18.04
From: jerome, 2020-04-06
[Bug 1871026] [NEW] Exception in thread
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2020-04-06
[Bug 1871026] Re: Exception in thread
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2020-04-06
[Bug 1871026] Re: [2.0.4] IDE: on exit: Exception in ShutDownHook .-
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-06
[Bug 1871026] Re: [2.0.4] IDE: on exit: Exception in ShutDownHook --- can be ignored --- fixed in 2.0.5
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2020-04-06
[Bug 1871026] Re: [2.0.4] IDE: on exit: Exception in ShutDownHook --- can be ignored --- fixed in 2.0.5
From: RaiMan, 2021-02-09
[Question #689729]: Sikuli text recognition not returning correct text
From: Jason, 2020-04-06
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: Christoph, 2020-04-06
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-06
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: Christoph, 2020-04-07
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: Christoph, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-08
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: Christoph, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: Christoph, 2020-04-09
Re: [Question #689685]: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it. (Using Gitlab)
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689685]: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it. (Using Gitlab)
From: Shresth Suman, 2020-04-05
Re: [Question #689685]: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it. (Using Gitlab)
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-06
Re: [Question #689693]: Java 15: Windows 10 image issues
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689693]: Java 15: Windows 10 image issues
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-05
Re: [Question #689693]: Java 15: Windows 10 image issues
From: Glen, 2020-04-05
Re: [Question #689693]: Java 15: Windows 10 image issues
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-06
Re: [Question #689693]: Java 15: Windows 10 image issues
From: Glen, 2020-04-07
Re: [Question #689702]: OCR Useage
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2020-04-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689702]: OCR Useage
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-05
Re: [Question #689702]: OCR Useage
From: jerome, 2020-04-05
Re: [Question #689702]: OCR Useage
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2020-04-06
[Question #689702]: OCR Useage
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2020-04-04
[Question #689693]: Windows 10 image issues
From: Glen, 2020-04-03
[Question #689685]: No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it. (Using Gitlab)
From: Shresth Suman, 2020-04-03
[Question #689653]: HTMLTestRunner import problem "syntax - mismatched input"
From: Christoph Babacek, 2020-04-02
Re: [Question #689635]: Error when attempting to use type('test')
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689635]: Error when attempting to use type('test')
From: TestMechanic, 2020-04-01
[Question #689635]: Error when attempting to use type('test')
From: TestMechanic, 2020-04-01
Re: [Question #689632]: Can image validation is possible in mobile native app ? --- no
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689632]: Can image validation is possible in mobile native app ? --- no
From: Ashwini, 2020-04-01
Re: [Question #689632]: Can image validation is possible in mobile native app ? --- no
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2020-04-17
Re: [Question #689632]: Can image validation is possible in mobile native app ?
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-01
[Question #689632]: Can image validation is possible in mobile native app ?
From: Ashwini, 2020-04-01
Re: [Question #689620]: Change where Sikuli loads opencv_java342.dll from
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-01
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689620]: Change where Sikuli loads opencv_java342.dll from
From: RaiMan, 2020-04-01
[Bug 1869973] [NEW] Launch stuck on splash screen
From: Tony May, 2020-03-31
[Bug 1869973] Re: Launch stuck on splash screen
From: Tony May, 2020-04-14
[Question #689620]: Change where Sikuli loads opencv_java342.dll from
From: Landon Alexander, 2020-03-31
Re: [Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: Sreelekshmi, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: Sreelekshmi, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: Sreelekshmi, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: Sreelekshmi, 2020-03-31
[Question #689581]: assert(function name)
From: Sreelekshmi, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689569]: SikuliLibrary: Click image does not work
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689569]: SikuliLibrary: Click image does not work
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689570]: hotkey function while running in virtualbox
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-03-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689570]: hotkey function while running in virtualbox
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689570]: hotkey function while running in virtualbox
From: rocketman1991, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689570]: hotkey function while running in virtualbox
From: Manfred Hampl, 2020-03-30
Re: [Question #689570]: hotkey function while running in virtualbox
From: rocketman1991, 2020-03-30
[Question #689570]: hotkey function while running in virtualbox
From: rocketman1991, 2020-03-29
[Question #689569]: Click image does not work in Sikuli in Robot Framework
From: Chuck Tore, 2020-03-29
Re: [Question #689545]: Script too large to compile
From: xyz_User, 2020-03-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689545]: Script too large to compile
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-28
Re: [Question #689545]: Script too large to compile
From: xyz_User, 2020-03-29
[Question #689545]: Script too large to compile
From: xyz_User, 2020-03-28
Re: [Question #689535]: Windows 10 lost keyboard interactivity
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689535]: Windows 10 lost keyboard interactivity
From: Sergey Taranenko, 2020-03-27
[Question #689535]: Windows 10 lost keyboard interactivity
From: Sergey Taranenko, 2020-03-27
Re: [Question #689511]: Enabled and disabled Button
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689511]: Enabled and disabled Button
From: Sreelekshmi, 2020-03-27
[Question #689511]: Enabled and disabled Button
From: Sreelekshmi, 2020-03-26
Re: [Question #689507]: [2.0.4] IDE: on close: ExceptionInInitializerError --- just ignore it --- fixed in 2.0.5
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689507]: [2.0.4] IDE: on close: ExceptionInInitializerError --- just ignore it --- fixed in 2.0.5
From: Konrad, 2020-03-26
Re: [Question #689507]: [2.0.4] IDE: on close: ExceptionInInitializerError --- just ignore it --- fixed in 2.0.5
From: RaiMan, 2020-03-26
200 of 59569 messages, page
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