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Re: [Question #220789]: how to use openApp with a .exe lauched with wine


Question #220789 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

ahaho is still having a problem:
I'm not sure indeed an App object is the solution. 
This game (which is not a game of chess as the name may let you believe but a card games invented by a friend of mine) may have a few windows. As any windows may appear at a different place on the screen (I guess this places are always fixed indeed) I wanted to have the control on any of these windows (I looked at the documentation a little better and it seems in fact that App object as nothing to do with regions...). Then on each window, which will be its own reference, I will ask sikuli to find images at defined zone . At the moment, I just tried with some commands like
if exists(<image.jpg>) or exists (<image2.jpg>) or exists...

But it seems Sikuli is looking on the whole screen because no region has
been defined. And sometimes it may takes time to find the image on the
whole screen.

How can I say to Sikuli to use the region of the window on the foreground ?
And then is there a possibility to focus on a region inside the region to save time with the exist() method ?
Last question, what is the difference between exist() and find() methods ? In which case am I supposed to use one or the other ?

Thank you for your answer.

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