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Re: [Question #220789]: how to use openApp with a .exe lauched with wine


Question #220789 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
-- find vs. exists
in case of not found, find throws an error (FindFailed) which usually will abort the script at this point.
exists returns False in this case, so the script can continue (which is the reason you can use it with if ...).
But exists is more comparable with wait, since it accepts e wait time as 2nd parameter (which can be 0, to tell exists to return immediately after the first search try in all cases and not wait the standard 3 secs if not found)

So in your case "if a or b or c or ..."  should use this version:

if exists(<image.jpg>, 0) or exists (<image2.jpg>, 0) or exists...

With your version having e.g. 4 exists and only the last one matches,
then it will take at least 9 secs (3 times not found time 3 secs),until
your script continues.

with the suggested version this will take max 3-4 secs.

But be aware:
at least one of the images must be fully present on the screen at the time the if is processed. If this is not the case for sure, you have to do something in the else branch or put a wait() before the if.

--- restricting the search to a region ...
.... which increases reliability and speed of a script (the smaller the region and/or the smaller the dimension difference between image and region, the faster the search).

principla use: reg.exists() or reg.click()
where reg is a region, that is evaluated before somehow.

In your case as a first step, you should define the regions needed, interactively:
reg1 = selectRegion()
reg2 = selectRegion()
reg3 = selectRegion()

if reg1.exists() or reg2.exists():

if you have adapted your script to the region concept, you might implement the relative positioning concept:
ref = find("some-fixed-visual-object.png") # e.g. a logo or header 
reg1 = Region(ref.x+x1, ref.y+y1, w, h)

where you have to evaluate the x1 and y1 somehow (see faq 1686)

to define regions base on existing regions/matches:

these faqs might have additional tips:
faq 1731
faq 1607
and even more

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