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[Question #234697]: Cannot run the 'Hello World' example on windows 7


New question #234697 on Sikuli:

I was running an example on http://doc.sikuli.org/tutorials/helloworld/helloworld-win.html and I get the following error. I'm on Windows 7. Resolution 1920x1080

[error] Region.find(text): text search is currently switched off
[error] script [ *Untitled ] stopped with error in line 1
[error] FindFailed ( Text search currently switched off )

I understood from some other posts that "maximized application windows are maxcimized in a way, that the window frame is put outside the physical screen.
This leads to a "negative" (x,y) point for the top left corner of the region returned by App().window() and hence to the reported error: Region outside any screen."

How can I modify this example so it can run?


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