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Re: [Question #235070]: Is Sikuli stable when it run in Java api for a little complicate program?


Question #235070 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
--- the click action sometime click, sometime it silent until timeout.
This usually is caused by "bad" screenshots.
Good screenshots have as little background as possible and concentrate on the key visual aspects of the image.
On should take care, that the image is found with a score above 0.9 (even better 0.95) in all cases.
Version 1.1 will have more features to support this better.

--- it seems sikuli doesn't have something to select an item from a list by index?
If you are talking about something like a (drop down) menu: simply no
handling these scenarios is still one of the real challenges with Sikuli.
Possible solutions heavily depend on the concrete situation. 
One general tip (often overseen since Sikuli is so visual ;-): sometimes there are keyboard actions available to get what you want instead of fiddling around with visual objects: shortcuts for menu entries, tab to get to the next field, key down/key up to move in a controlled way through a dropdown with known content, .... and many more) 

--- mouse move over is very hard to implement?

... or what do you mean?

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