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[Question #238349]: running multiple script throgh batch file


New question #238349 on Sikuli:

hi Raiman 

u have proposed the command
D:\sikuli\runIDE.cmd -r path_to_my.sikuli
 but i dont have runIDE.cmd in my SikuliX folder so i have  created a batch file using the commands
@echo off
start  /i /b /wait D:\SikuliX\Sikuli-IDE.bat -r D:\Home.sikuli\CustomerPortalHome.sikuli
start  /i /b /wait D:\SikuliX\Sikuli-IDE.bat -r D:\Home.sikuli\CustomerPortalLogin.sikuli

and run that file 
but it gives only result of 1st script that does not match result of sikuli script in sikuli IDE
sikuli ide result for CustomerPortalHome.sikuli:
India Post Logo is  correct
Help Logo is correct
Agent Login Logo is correct
Purchase Policy Dropdown exists
Main Image Logo is correct
CONTACTUS_FAQ Logo is  correct

But when i run this script through batch file then it gives the result:
India Post Logo is not correct
Help Logo is not correct
Agent Login Logo is not correct
Purchase Policy Dropdown not exists
Main Image Logo is not correct
CONTACTUS_FAQ Logo is not correct

why same script gives differnt result?
and it stops and doesnt work for CustomerPortalLogin.sikuli

kindly solve my problem.

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