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Message #24104
Re: [Question #189458]: [research] X1.1 Sikuli-script.dll for calling API from .NET
Question #189458 on Sikuli changed:
RaiMan proposed the following answer:
option 1: of course the easiest, but on every call you have the 3 - 4
seconds start up
option 2: rather easy with XML-RPC if the server (Sikuli) only has to serve one client at a time. Both Java and Jython have mature XML-RPC support. Another option might be socket communication or even named pipes.
This solution always starts instantly with each request.
option 3: IKVM looks rather easy too and you just put the same Java
calls into your C#. It looks like a bit more admin work here, though I
have no experiences with c# and .NET
C# implementation: surely not me, who might do that.
And it really does not make sense before both OpenCV and Tessearct are completely on the Java level (version 1.2).
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