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sikuli-driver team
Mailing list archive
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Messages by thread
Messages sent to the sikuli-driver mailing list, ordered by thread from the newest to oldest.
200 of 59569 messages, page
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Re: [Question #699003]: after screen.type(pattern., "text") and screen.type(pattern, Key.Tab) focus is set to previous component instead of next
Re: [Question #699003]: after screen.type(pattern., "text") and screen.type(pattern, Key.Tab) focus is set to previous component instead of next
From: Hans Steenblok, 2021-10-14
[Question #699003]: after screen.type(pattern., "text") and screen.type(pattern, Key.Tab) focus is set to previous component instead of next
From: Hans Steenblok, 2021-10-07
Re: [Question #698998]: showmonitors() value get save as None to a variable
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-07
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698998]: showmonitors() value get save as None to a variable
From: Chetan, 2021-10-07
[Question #698998]: showmonitors() value get save as None to a variable
From: Chetan, 2021-10-07
Re: [Question #698982]: SaxNotRecognizedException - XMLRPC server
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698982]: SaxNotRecognizedException - XMLRPC server
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-06
Re: [Question #698982]: SaxNotRecognizedException - XMLRPC server
From: Ali, 2021-10-06
Re: [Question #698982]: SaxNotRecognizedException - XMLRPC server
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-06
Re: [Question #698982]: SaxNotRecognizedException - XMLRPC server
From: Ali, 2021-10-06
[Question #698982]: SaxNotRecognizedException - XMLRPC server
From: Ali, 2021-10-06
Re: [Question #698958]: The computer screen is automatically enlarged when taking a screenshot
From: Chetan, 2021-10-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698958]: The computer screen is automatically enlarged when taking a screenshot
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-10-20
Re: [Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: Daniel de Winter, 2021-10-13
Re: [Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-13
Re: [Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: Daniel de Winter, 2021-10-13
Re: [Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-13
Re: [Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: Daniel de Winter, 2021-10-13
Re: [Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-13
Re: [Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: Daniel de Winter, 2021-10-14
Re: [Question #698964]: Change Similarity of image at runtime
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698964]: Change Similarity of image at runtime
From: Chetan, 2021-10-05
[Question #698964]: Change Similarity of image at runtime
From: Chetan, 2021-10-05
Re: [Question #698957]: Some programs can only be found in the taskbar, how to take a screenshot?
From: Cornell Branson, 2021-10-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698957]: Some programs can only be found in the taskbar, how to take a screenshot?
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-05
[Question #698959]: opencv_java430.dll not in any libs folder
From: daniel, 2021-10-04
[Question #698958]: The computer screen is automatically enlarged when taking a screenshot
From: Ju1+i-我 ., 2021-10-04
[Question #698957]: Some programs can only be found in the taskbar, how to take a screenshot?
From: Ju1+i-我 ., 2021-10-04
Re: [Question #698761]: Exist method is not work when trying to call it in a while function
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-10-02
Re: [Question #698919]: Find the Best Possible match
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-30
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698919]: Find the Best Possible match
From: Chetan, 2021-10-01
Re: [Question #698919]: Find the Best Possible match
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-05
Re: [Question #698919]: Find the Best Possible match
From: Chetan, 2021-10-05
[Question #698919]: Find the Best Possible match
From: Chetan, 2021-09-30
[Question #682295]: Status of bug #1840689 changed to 'Fix Committed' in SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-29
[Question #272494]: Status of bug #1530436 changed to 'Fix Committed' in SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-29
Re: [Question #698832]: Regions MID_BIG and MID_THIRD do not work --- fixed 2.0.6 --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698832]: Regions MID_BIG and MID_THIRD do not work --- fixed 2.0.6 --- workaround
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-28
Re: [Question #698832]: Regions MID_BIG and MID_THIRD do not work --- fixed 2.0.6 --- workaround
From: Chetan, 2021-10-01
Re: [Question #698832]: Regions MID_BIG and MID_THIRD do not work
From: Chetan, 2021-09-22
[Question #698832]: Regions MID_BIG and MID_THIRD go not work
From: Chetan, 2021-09-22
Re: [Question #698821]: Drag And Drop is not working
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-22
[Question #698821]: Drag And Drop is not working
From: Venkatesh, 2021-09-22
Re: [Question #698815]: Pass parameter to openApp
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-21
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698815]: Pass parameter to openApp
From: Chetan, 2021-09-22
Re: [Question #698815]: Pass parameter to openApp
From: Chetan, 2021-09-22
[Question #698815]: Pass parameter to openApp
From: Chetan, 2021-09-21
Re: [Question #698795]: Find Any Addition / removal of file in directory in parallel
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-20
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698795]: Find Any Addition / removal of file in directory in parallel
From: Chetan, 2021-09-21
Re: [Question #698795]: Find Any Addition / removal of file in directory in parallel
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-21
Re: [Question #698795]: Find Any Addition / removal of file in directory in parallel
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-21
Re: [Question #698795]: Find Any Addition / removal of file in directory in parallel
From: Chetan, 2021-09-21
Re: [Question #698795]: Find Any Addition / removal of file in directory in parallel
From: Chetan, 2021-09-21
[Question #698795]: Find Any Addition / removal of file in directory in parallel
From: Chetan, 2021-09-20
Re: [Question #698765]: Sikuli Support for Windows 11
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698765]: Sikuli Support for Windows 11
From: HareeshYerragudi, 2021-10-27
[Question #698765]: Sikuli Support for Windows 11
From: Chetan, 2021-09-17
Re: [Question #697310]: Application will be suspend when run the some time on windows10
From: Larry, 2021-09-17
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #697310]: Application will be suspend when run the some time on windows10
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-10-02
[Question #698761]: Exist method is not work when trying to call it in a while function
From: Yifan Ding, 2021-09-17
[Bug 1943866] [NEW] Exception when opening Pattern Settings - preview
From: Michael Böhm, 2021-09-16
[Bug 1943866] Re: Exception when opening Pattern Settings - preview
From: Michael Böhm, 2021-09-16
[Bug 1943866] Re: Exception when opening Pattern Settings - preview
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-18
[Bug 1943866] Re: Exception when opening Pattern Settings - preview
From: Michael Böhm, 2021-09-19
[Bug 1943866] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: Preview crash with plan in folder-/filename (fixed in 2.0.6)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-19
[Bug 1943866] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: Preview crash with blank in folder-/filename (fixed in 2.0.6)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-29
[Bug 1943866] Re: [2.0.5] IDE: Preview crash with blank in folder-/filename (fixed in 2.0.6)
From: RaiMan, 2021-10-14
Re: [Question #698716]: How to connect Remote Linux server using Sikuli with Python Code
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698716]: How to connect Remote Linux server using Sikuli with Python Code
From: Karishma, 2021-09-30
Re: [Question #698733]: [2.0.5] xlrd: ClassNotFoundException ( org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser )
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-15
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698733]: [2.0.5] xlrd: ClassNotFoundException ( org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser )
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-15
Re: [Question #698565]: sikuli script stops randomly with the following error: org.opencv.core.CvException: CvException [org.opencv.core.CvException: cv::Exception: OpenCV(3.4.2)
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-09-15
[Question #698733]: xlrd.open_workbook throws back java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ( org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser )
From: reda benslal, 2021-09-14
Re: [Question #698733]: xlrd.open_workbook throws back java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ( org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser )
From: reda benslal, 2021-09-14
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698733]: xlrd.open_workbook throws back java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ( org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser )
From: reda benslal, 2021-09-14
[Question #698716]: How to connect Remote Linux server using Sikuli with Python Code
From: Karishma, 2021-09-13
Re: [Question #698710]: How to align images with Sikuli Automation
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-12
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698710]: How to align images with Sikuli Automation
From: Nobody, 2021-09-12
Re: [Question #698710]: How to align images with Sikuli Automation
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-12
Re: [Question #698710]: How to align images with Sikuli Automation
From: Nobody, 2021-09-13
[Question #698710]: How to align images with Sikuli Automation
From: Nobody, 2021-09-12
Re: [Question #698669]: How to install keras-ocr python module to use in sikulix?
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-09
[Question #698669]: How to install keras-ocr python module to use in sikulix?
From: Ashish Sah, 2021-09-08
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: htrf gvfdb, 2021-09-05
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #280827]: Java: NPE, when running jar on other system having sikulixapi.jar packed with the jar
From: fghbgf gvdf, 2021-11-27
Re: [Question #698601]: SikuliX for wide projects
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698601]: SikuliX for wide projects
From: TestMechanic, 2021-09-23
[Question #698601]: SikuliX for wide projects
From: Richard Fagot, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-03
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-03
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-03
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-03
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-03
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-03
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-03
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-06
Re: [Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: Anuj, 2022-11-13
[Question #698600]: Mac11.5.2 Mouse not usable (blocked)
From: lisong2, 2021-09-02
[Question #698565]: sikuli script stops randomly with the following error: org.opencv.core.CvException: CvException [org.opencv.core.CvException: cv::Exception: OpenCV(3.4.2)
From: reda benslal, 2021-08-30
Re: [Question #260979]: How to get specific location/controller/element screenshot using sikuli with robot and java and webdriver
From: g sds, 2021-08-29
Re: [Question #698523]: Mouse click blocked when running Sikuli test in batch file but not when running script through eclipse
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-28
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698523]: Mouse click blocked when running Sikuli test in batch file but not when running script through eclipse
From: phillsalt, 2023-12-23
Re: [Question #698529]: Do.popup() returns incorrectly
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-27
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698529]: Do.popup() returns incorrectly
From: Mike, 2021-08-27
Re: [Question #698529]: Do.popup() returns incorrectly
From: Mike, 2021-08-27
Re: [Question #698529]: Do.popup() returns incorrectly
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-28
Re: [Question #698529]: Do.popup() returns incorrectly
From: Mike, 2021-08-28
[Question #698529]: Do.popup() returns incorrectly
From: Mike, 2021-08-27
[Question #698523]: Mouse click blocked when running Sikuli test in batch file but not when running script through eclipse
From: patrick-nc, 2021-08-26
Re: [Question #698519]: Find images with 2 colors
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-26
[Question #698519]: Find images with 2 colors
From: daniel, 2021-08-26
[Question #682295]: Status of bug #1840689 changed to 'Confirmed' in SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-26
Re: [Question #698511]: Capture/find Sikuli API fails with one Retina screen and one non-Retina screen
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698511]: Capture/find Sikuli API fails with one Retina screen and one non-Retina screen
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-26
Re: [Question #698511]: Capture/find Sikuli API fails with one Retina screen and one non-Retina screen
From: Qcfvrtg, 2021-08-26
Re: [Question #698490]: Using custom c++ dll in Sikulix
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-26
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698490]: Using custom c++ dll in Sikulix
From: matteoa, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698490]: Using custom c++ dll in Sikulix
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-02
Re: [Question #698490]: Using custom c++ dll in Sikulix
From: RaiMan, 2021-09-05
[Question #698511]: Capture/find Sikuli API fails with one Retina screen and one non-Retina screen
From: Jeff Harmon, 2021-08-25
Re: [Question #682295]: [1.1.4] macOS 10.14.5 - Taking a screenshot with SikuliIDE on an external monitor with a Retina primary display
From: Jeff Harmon, 2021-08-25
[Question #698490]: Using custom c++ dll in Sikulix
From: matteoa, 2021-08-24
Re: [Question #698449]: Error main ( <module> ) from org.sikuli.basics.proxies import Vision
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-22
[Question #698449]: Error main ( <module> ) from org.sikuli.basics.proxies import Vision
From: Helena, 2021-08-21
Re: [Question #698410]: Cant add Sikuli to manifest.mf
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-18
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698410]: Cant add Sikuli to manifest.mf
From: Darya, 2021-08-23
Re: [Question #698410]: Cant add Sikuli to manifest.mf
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-23
Re: [Question #698410]: Cant add Sikuli to manifest.mf
From: Darya, 2021-08-24
Re: [Question #698410]: Cant add Sikuli to manifest.mf
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-24
[Question #698410]: Cant add Sikuli to manifest.mf
From: Darya, 2021-08-18
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Henry, 2021-08-16
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Jhon Wick, 2021-09-07
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Jhon Wick, 2021-09-07
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Rick Sam, 2021-09-21
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Sophia Gracy, 2021-09-21
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Harry, 2021-10-08
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Rose, 2021-10-16
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Naya Hai, 2024-06-03
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Jhon Dee, 2024-06-04
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Monika Paaro, 2024-08-23
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Monika Paaro, 2024-11-02
Re: [Question #689166]: SikulixIDE-2.0.3 won't type in Oracle VirtualBox VM
From: Jhonn Monak, 2024-12-17
Re: [Question #698358]: Wait for x amount of time defined by input box
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-08-13
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698358]: Wait for x amount of time defined by input box
From: Brendan Sapp, 2021-08-13
[Question #698358]: Wait for x amount of time defined by input box
From: Brendan Sapp, 2021-08-13
Re: [Question #698298]: App.close error
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698298]: App.close error
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2021-08-10
[Question #698298]: App.close error
From: Jeff_Vallis, 2021-08-09
Re: [Question #698268]: [2.0.5] OCR: does not work with a username containing non-ASCII
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-09
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698268]: [2.0.5] OCR: does not work with a username containing non-ASCII
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-09
Re: [Question #698268]: [2.0.5] OCR: does not work with a username containing non-ASCII
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-09
Re: [Question #698272]: Loop is not working (while, if)
From: Ricardo Luzini, 2021-08-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698272]: Loop is not working (while, if)
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698272]: Loop is not working (while, if)
From: Ricardo Luzini, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698272]: Loop is not working (while, if)
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-08-07
Re: [Question #698272]: Loop is not working (while, if)
From: Ricardo Luzini, 2021-08-09
[Question #698272]: Loop is not workin (while, if)
From: Ricardo Luzini, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698265]: Power Automate and SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698265]: Power Automate and SikuliX
From: Oberos, 2021-08-10
Re: [Question #698265]: Power Automate and SikuliX
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-10
Re: [Question #698265]: Power Automate and SikuliX
From: Sumanth Kumar, 2022-09-14
Re: [Question #698265]: Power Automate and SikuliX
From: Oberos, 2022-09-14
Re: [Question #698265]: Power Automate and SikuliX
From: Oberos, 2022-09-14
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-06
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-06
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-07
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-07
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-08
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-08
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-08
Re: [Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-08
[Question #698268]: OCR from file
From: Máté Bálint, 2021-08-06
[Question #698265]: Power Automate and SikuliX
From: Oberos, 2021-08-06
[Question #698239]: Type " into Windows cmd comes out as ~
From: Tony May, 2021-08-04
Re: [Question #698239]: Type " into Windows cmd comes out as ~
From: Tony May, 2021-08-04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [Question #698239]: Type " into Windows cmd comes out as ~
From: Manfred Hampl, 2021-08-04
Re: [Question #698239]: Type " into Windows cmd comes out as ~
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-04
Re: [Question #698239]: Type " into Windows cmd comes out as ~
From: Tony May, 2021-08-04
Re: [Question #698239]: Type " into Windows cmd comes out as ~
From: RaiMan, 2021-08-04
200 of 59569 messages, page
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