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Re: [Question #244556]: sikuli-java correct way to get data from clipboard


Question #244556 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
there is no "buffering" that is done by Sikuli.

Internally it simply uses java.awt.Robot keyDown/keyUp/modifier features
with some 10 millisecs in between.

All effects one observes with type (and other features of Sikuli that
interact with the GUI) are simply caused by the GUI's behaviour about
accepting keystrokes and mouse hover/click and the respective timing
implemented by the app or the webpage.

The upcoming version 1.1.0 will have a few additional options, to optimise the use of type and mouse actions in these situations. 
Until then intermediate short wait()'s (e.g. wait(0.3)) at the right place in an action sequence in most cases make the workflow robust.

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