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Re: [Question #245286]: Sikuli radio button with associated text


Question #245286 on Sikuli changed:

Eugene S proposed the following answer:

What can be a problem is that the radiobutton region is "shorter than your Yes region (if that makes sense?  :) ) 
So make sure that when you create a pattern for "Yes" text, it will COMPLETELY COVER the radiobutton pattern to the left of it. Ideally, the radiobutton should be minimalistic(include only the radiobutton itself with no spare pixels above or below it) while the "yes" pattern should be a bit higher (with a couple extra pixels above and below).

BTW, you can use ".highlight(1)" method to see the exact area you are working on at the moment.
So, for example,  when you find the "yes" text on the screen, you can first try something like that:

region = find("yesText.png").highlight(1) # 1 means - highlight it for 1

Then when you expand the region, highlight it as well. This way you'll
be able to see whether it completely includes the radiobutton. So:

region2 = region.left().highlight(1) # Here make sure that the radiobutton pattern is completely enclosed within this area.

This should give you a better ideas as where the problem is.

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