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Re: [Question #291440]: [1.1.0] Mac: images captured with shortcut (shift-cmd-4) are not found --- use SikuliX IDE for capturing


Question #291440 on Sikuli changed:

f posted a new comment:
Hello RaiMan, and thanks for the infos

I use runsikulix, so I can actually have a cool workflow with just
having the "take screenshot" button ready to be clicked, in a corner.

My screen is not retina, but may be one day.
For retina, I understand that if I take screenshot with such a screen, I have to reduce the size by 2.
Is it only necessary to run then on non-retina, or also to run on retina?

The other way around, if I take a screenshot with a normal display, does
it work on retina in the future?

We have 4 possible cases here, depending on where the screenshot is
taken, and where sikuli is runned. Is there something which work in all


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