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Message #41403
[Question #448571]: SikuliX One line installer for Linux
New question #448571 on Sikuli:
Hi RaiMan,
Thank you for continuing to work on SikuliX and not abandoning the product.
I was using Sikuli a few years back on Windows and I liked the software and thought it was kinda fun to develop small scripts on. I even sent you a question about some script I was working on and you replied kindly.
Later I switched OS to Linux Ubuntu and I will continue being on this OS.
I checked the installation instructions for SikuliX on Linux but that was kind of long.
Please RaiMan, do you think you could make a more convenient way to install on Linux? Some other software products have cool one-liners so we can just use CURL to download a script which takes care of all the installation automatically.
Your Sikuli fan
P. S. There is an absence of macro software on Linux. Windows has AutoHotkey and such. Linux does not for some very strange reason considering how development centric the Linux OS is.
I think you could have a cool niche here with image recognition and perhaps expanding more into keyboard macros as well.
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