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Message #47645
Re: [Question #670704]: Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
Question #670704 on Sikuli changed:
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Jython non-interactive command line quick as in runsikuli -i ? (Ubuntu 16.4)
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being very newbie to Jython and SikuliX,
a) I installed Sikulix via java -jar ../sikulixsetup-1.1.2.jar options 2 4.3 on Ubuntu 16.4
java -jar jython-installer-2.7.0.jar -s -d /usr/local/lib/jython
-with jip according to the manual,
b) the sample script is to click the 9 button on the xcalc calculator
import org.sikuli.script.SikulixForJython
from sikuli import *
c)I achieved execution:
1) slow (around ten seconds and do not know if profitting from jython install)
../runsikulix -r ../neun2.sikuli/
2) quickly (less than a second) but unfortunately not non-interactively:
../runsikulix -i
>>> execfile("")
slow as 1) -after a jip install according to the manual- I came to:
SIKULI=/home/user1/Downloads/hellosikuli.sikuli/sikulixapi.jar; JYTHONDIR=/usr/local/lib/jython/jython.jar; java -cp "$JYTHONDIR:$SIKULI" org.python.util.jython -Dpython.cachedir="/tmp/stest/"./
Now I would like to run the script quickly like 2) but non-interactively, via Jython command line for quickly testing meanwhile doing the coding.
Is that possible at all? How then? I assume "runsikulix --server" could be the way to go.
Thanks a lot for answers or suggestions.
Ps: worked to the manual chapter untill:"Access Python packages from
SikuliX scripts run by SikuliX (GUI or command line)"
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