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Message #49113
Re: [Question #675373]: [HowTo] make a simple loop with "exists image" and "click image"? (Sikuli)
Question #675373 on Sikuli changed:
David Borghi gave more information on the question:
Hello, RaiMan.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I'm not pressuring you, I understand
that you'll answer as soon as you can (and just If you can), I'm just
providing more information.
open the program and log in 07:55 a.m (I've already created a script to do it, but I'm trying to figure out how to insert it in the same script.)
Usually the follow script will end in the line "4" or line "10", but I'd like it to react in case anything goes wrong, I mean, If what I'm expecting doesn't happen, so it can't act like If I was in front of computer.
Do you think is it possible?
I tried several times to implement it, but I guess I'm failing in
"closing" the sequences, as most of the time when I make something
right, the other thing is ignored, like If It isn't even written.
What I'm trying to implement:
(* = lines to be added)
1 when img1 exists
4 when img11 is there
5 doubleclick and wait for img11 to vanish
6 *if img1 didn't disappear (in 3 seconds) doubleclick img2 (If this is true, the loop must restart as It canceled the line above)
7 *If img3 exists and img31 exists
8 *doubleclick img2 and doubleclick img111
11 when img12 is there
12 doubleclick and wait for img12 to vanish
13 *if img1 didn't disappear (in 3 seconds) doubleclick img2 (If this is true, the loop must restart as It canceled the line above)
14 *If img3 exists and img31 exists
15 *doubleclick img2 and doubleclick img111
17 repeat until img1 vanishes
Thank you for your help and your attention.
I'm sorry for all the inconvenience and any typo.
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