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Re: Intel working on F14 with 2.6.37 - power consumption / screen light on after resume / two finger scrolling


Hi there,

managed to install F14 on my Vaio VPCZ1 and using this kernel I can use Intel in stamina mode and get some less Watts being consumed in battery mode. Thanks for that Adam! I'm sticking with this intel solution for now (mainly due to improved battery life). Just for the record, in my case, the nvidia driver (kernel module) from RPMfusion repository works with the latest F14 kernel update but X.org strangely has slow reaction (changing windows, typing...). Didn't test the noveau driver though. Other people with F14 here might tell their experience.

Regarding power consumption I still find it a big high compared to one email I saw of Adam with 10W! Here's my output:

     PowerTOP version 1.13      (C) 2007 Intel Corporation

Cn                Avg residency       P-states (frequencies)
C0 (cpu running)        ( 0.5%)       Turbo Mode     7.1%
polling           0.0ms ( 0.0%)         2.67 Ghz     0.0%
C1 mwait          0.1ms ( 0.0%)         2.40 Ghz     0.7%
C2 mwait          1.8ms ( 0.9%)         2.14 Ghz     0.0%
C3 mwait         19.6ms (98.6%)         1199 Mhz    92.2%

Wakeups-from-idle per second : 56.7     interval: 15.0s
Power usage (ACPI estimate): 13.2W (4.4 hours)

Top causes for wakeups:
  15.3% ( 16.2)   PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad interrupt
  13.1% ( 13.9)   kworker/0:0
   9.0% (  9.5)   [ahci] <interrupt>

Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.
This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories
instead of having to poll for these changes

I get extremely high values for the touch pad... is this normal? Also is there a simple way to enable INOTIFY without recompiling the kernel?

Regarding Compiz, if I try to activate Desktop Effects, I get the very strange effect of a "vertical mirror flip" in the output, that is, the display is fine, but I see all display's letters (and images) as if they were vertically flipped and then projected in a mirror! Anybody ever saw anything like this and knows how to solve it?

As a contribution to the community, I publish my solution to the problem that I could not have the screen light working after resume (and also on how to have two finger scrolling working), not even following the solution present in some past threads. I was getting the error "Can't open display". Strangely, my primary display is identified not as DP3 but as "null". Here's the output of xrandr.

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1600 x 900, maximum 8192 x 8192
(null)1 connected 1600x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 291mm x 164mm
   1600x900       59.9*+   40.0
VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
HDMI3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

But by calling xrandr in verbose mode I found there's an hex identifier associated to each output and I can use that ID (in my case 0x41) for xrandr at resume. Here's my script in

(don't forget to chmod +x this file)

# light up laptop screen for vaio VPCZ11Z9E


    /usr/bin/xrandr --output 0x41 --off
    /usr/bin/xrandr --output 0x41 --auto
    /usr/bin/synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1
    /usr/bin/synclient VertEdgeScroll=0
    /usr/bin/synclient EmulateTwoFingerMinW=10
    /usr/bin/synclient EmulateTwoFingerMinZ=10

case "$1" in
        thaw|resume) resume_lapscreen ;;
        *) exit 0 ;;

Kind regards,

On 11/05/2010 12:56 AM, Adam Huffman wrote:
Just to let anyone know who's using Fedora:

I installed F14 on my Vaio Z11X9E/B.

With the "advanced storage" option during installation, it detected the
RAID array and setup GRUB successfully.

With the release kernel, only the VESA X driver worked.  However, I
asked one of the Fedora kernel maintainers about the drm-intel-next
branch and he built one for me.  I've tested it with the graphics switch
set to Stamina and it boots normally, with X at the full resolution.
Compiz works, in very brief testing.

The kernel RPMs are here:


He said he'd work on an update to F14 with the DRM fixes.


Follow ups
