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3.1-rc7 sonly-laptop-zseries als and backlight/suspend issues


I have a vpcz1 running gentoo with a 3.1-rc7 kernel and sony-laptop-
zseries-0.9np8 (great module!), and have noticed a couple of issues
(some of which may be expected behavior?)

Firstly, if I echo "1" > als_power, als_lux will report lux values, but
quite a bit of processing power will be consumed by "kworker/0:2".  If I
instead do echo "1" > als_managed, lux values are reported without the
wasted processing power.  Is this the way it is supposed to work?

I am also getting some suspend/resume issues.  Namely, if als_managed is
active, upon resume from suspend, the backlight does not turn on (though
the lcd is active and the computer responds).  dmesg shows no unusual
errors.  If I ssh in and set als_managed to 0, then suspend and resume
again, the backlight is on.  Also, if just als_power is set, suspend and
resume works as expected.

Further, als_managed does not seem to affect als_power after resume.
That is,

$ echo 1 > als_managed
$ suspend-ram
$ echo 0 > als_managed
$ cat als_power

and processing cycles are used up like usual when als_power is active
and als_managed is not...

  Any ideas?
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