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Re: [Report] My January 2014 Record + Total


I'd say that are quite a few :)

I myself did and do not have much luck (around 6 or 7 computers converted), but in the city where I live many people buy new computers often so they're already using Windows 8/7 or Apple which makes it harder to convert them, if you can't succeed with the argument of software freedom... but try to explain to an Apple guy that his mac is evil ;-)

On 01/31/2014 10:03 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:

January 2014 record:
9 Linux Installations
8.5 machines have been converted (one is dual-booting so not fully converted).

Total: I have so far converted (myself) 24.5 machines (one is dual-booting) and have done 25 Linux Installations:


Note that:
The record is not high and I am not really happy with it. I could have made many more but for these reasons, I couldn't:

1- I had lots of other stuff to do
2- I've been not feeling well
3- Many neighbors told me they do want to convert their machines but because they're busy, they didn't bring their computers and I had no time to visit them
4- Some machines had serious hardware issue and couldn't do much
5- My approach in advertising wasn't good enough but the good news, I found a much better approach :)

You could always follow up with this thread as well:

Thank you!

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
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