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[Blueprint approaching-media] Approaching The Media Channels


Blueprint changed by Jose Luis Ahumada:

Whiteboard changed:
- [amjjawad] This email: https://lists.launchpad.net/startubuntu/msg00179.html - has been sent to StartUbuntu Mailing List. We should start ASAP because we have no time :)
- --------------------------------------------------------------
+ [Amjjawad] Este email: https:/ . / listas . launchpad net / startubuntu . / msg00179 HTML - ha sido enviada a StartUbuntu lista de correo. Debemos comenzar lo antes posible porque no tenemos 
+ tiempo :) 
+ [BartOC3]I talked to the local newspaper of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia to publish an article about # StartUbuntu, I am expected to contact the http://www.eluniversal.com.co/
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Approaching The Media Channels