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A project for mmdb on Launchpad



I recently asked Eugene Krissinel about the distribution of mmdb. For the purposes of the various software distributions, we need a site where the pristine upstream tarball can be fetched. So while mmdb can still be gotten from Eugene's original site at the EBI:


he has now moved to become a group leader for CCP4, and so he will no longer maintain mmdb as a separate library:

mmdb is part of ccp4 and is distributed with the Suite.
As for a CCP4 core group leader, it would be strange for me
to distribute it anyhow differently, and needless.

In other words, (as I read this), mmdb will now be maintained as a part of the CCP4 directory tree (now around 1Gb unpacked).

For this reason, I have established mmdb as a project on Launchpad.net and I suggest that we maintain it in common there. The project is owned by the structural biology team on LP (of which you are members) so you are able to update the bzr branch directly. In practice, it is quite easy to update when new CCP4 releases happen: I have a copy of CCP4 in a local DVCS, so I can very easily extract patches that can be applied to the LP project code branch. I do the same with

I have not yet uploaded a tarball, but since there were no significant changes to mmdb in the latest CCP4 version I don't find it urgently needed.


Morten Kjeldgaard, asc. professor, MSc, PhD
BiRC - Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University
C. F. Møllers Alle, Building 1110, DK-8000 Århus C, Denmark.
Lab +45 8942 3130 * Fax +45 8942 3077 * Home +45 8618 8180

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