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Re: A project for mmdb on Launchpad


On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 10:10:11 +0200
Morten Kjeldgaard <mok@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently asked Eugene Krissinel about the distribution of mmdb.
> For the purposes of the various software distributions, we need a
> site where the pristine upstream tarball can be fetched. So while
> mmdb can still be gotten from Eugene's original site at the EBI:
>   http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~keb/cldoc/downloads/mmdb-([\d.]*)\.tar\.gz
> he has now moved to become a group leader for CCP4, and so he will
> no longer maintain mmdb as a separate library:
> > mmdb is part of ccp4 and is distributed with the Suite.
> > As for a CCP4 core group leader, it would be strange for me
> > to distribute it anyhow differently, and needless.
> In other words, (as I read this), mmdb will now be maintained as a  
> part of the CCP4 directory tree (now around 1Gb unpacked).
> For this reason, I have established mmdb as a project on
> Launchpad.net and I suggest that we maintain it in common there. The
> project is owned by the structural biology team on LP (of which you
> are members) so you are able to update the bzr branch directly. In
> practice, it is quite easy to update when new CCP4 releases happen: I
> have a copy of CCP4 in a local DVCS, so I can very easily extract
> patches that can be applied to the LP project code branch. I do the
> same with
> I have not yet uploaded a tarball, but since there were no
> significant changes to mmdb in the latest CCP4 version I don't find
> it urgently needed.

Sounds good to me - what about SSM?  Is there a similar plan there?



        Tim Fenn
        Stanford University, School of Medicine
        James H. Clark Center
        318 Campus Drive, Room E300
        Stanford, CA  94305-5432
        Phone:  (650) 736-1714
        FAX:  (650) 736-1961


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