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Hey everyone,
I have been experimenting with yad on Ubuntu xenial (also available in
Debian testing)
So, I decided to write a wrapper script for ANY available dialog programs.
Most of our scripts now will work irregardless of whether the user is
using zenity/yad/gxmessage/xmessage or only has dialog/whiptail installed.

These programs will also work without a graphical environment.  This
includes our shutdown/restart dialogs.
I have also begun work on tray indicators that solely use yad, as this
will significantly cut down on our depndencies on GNOME.  I may rework
these eventually to be standalone gtk status indicators, like I did with
the battery indicator that stopped working with the Upower API change
(thanks to systemd taking over everything :P )

I may simply write a small C program to use as an interrim that can have
menus, and icon changes similar to technosaurus' sdesk program, but one
that uses the built in gtk icon search capabilities to change with the
icon theme.

Why am I doing this you may ask?
The ISO works quite well using Debian now.  Ali has been silent for far
too long.
So, I am still working on improving ToriOS.

Oh... as a side note, I have added a ToriOS calendar program that uses
gcalcli to interface with google's calendars.

Basically I enjoy programming, and making my own ToriOS desktop work the
way I want it to, so I write programs for myself, and give them to ToriOS.
The dialog chooser is one of those programs.
It is hosted in the normal ToriOS launchpad branch, as well as on github:

I have not rebuilt the PPA yet, so none of these recent changes are
available yet.  I still have a bit of work to do to convert things like
'firstrun' but in all my testing this has greatly improved the
experience.  Eventually by using dialog-chooser we can cut down on
errors in all scripts, by simply using ONE backend that figures things
out, instead of having duplicated code in all the other scripts.
It will also make creating new programs signiciantly easier, if the
front-end is handled automatically by another program.
