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Re: new problem - it is extremely slow booting older instances of ToriOS


Den 2016-05-01 kl. 15:32, skrev Nio Wiklund:
Den 2016-05-01 kl. 15:19, skrev Israel:
On 05/01/2016 08:09 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
Hi again Israel,

There is a new problem - my Toshiba computer is extremely slow booting
previous instances of ToriOS (that I made ten minutes ago). It
happened twice. It affects only the previous installed systems, not
the current one.

I will check with another target device (but this started today with
the current iso files).

Otherwise something is tampering with the other systems during
installation of the new one. Could there be a new version of gparted?
Or are you doing something risky when searching for the other file

Best regards
Not sure Nio,
It could be due to killing dbus.  That is the most major change I made.
I wonder what is invoking dbus anyhow???

Hmmm... I wonder if the menus might be doing it?
Maybe try commenting out line 323 in user-config?
I am busy for a bit but I will try to get back to this

I might have found a way to fix the no swap
Can you try to add
   unset swappart
   unset rootpart
around line 253:
while [[ "$ans" != "$ans_goahead" ]]
*  unset swappart**
**  unset rootpart*
   while read LINE || [[ "$LINE" ]]
     case $LINE in
   done < "$partitions"


Hi again,

It does happen also with another target drive. It affects not only
previously ToriOS installed system but also Ubuntu family Xenial. But
the new installed system is not affected.

Maybe would help to roll back the last changes, if you can do it. I
think the previous iso file (plus changes until yesterday (or day before
yesterday) was better.

Best regards


I can't continue testing right now, but I will be back as soon as
possible, at least tomorrow.

Before rolling back, I think we should test the previous iso file. Is it
possible to select also earlier versions of obi-installer via the PPA?
In that case how to do it?


Hi again Israel,

I continued testing.

0. Using some recent previous iso files (with and without updates) created big problems after sudo update-grub in the installed systems. kernel panics and other show-stopping errors. So this was a bad idea.


1. I installed ToriOS from the current daily iso file (using the basic OBI level) into partition #1 and swap into partition #2.

- default language and other settings (but skipped pae kernel).

The installation worked :-) but /mnt still mounted after quit from the installer :-(

In the installed system:

- Update/dist-upgrade found nothing to upgrade.

I ran sudo update-grub, and the reboot was fast (like it should).

2. I installed Lubuntu "yakkety yak, don't talk back" in partition #5. It worked, ToriOS was found and fast to reboot into.

3. In ToriOS I ran sudo update-grub and sudo grub-install to get back grub.

I rebooted, and both ToriOS and Lubuntu booted fast (like they should).

So running update-grub with healthy partitions and file systems will not cause any problems with slowness.

4. I installed another instance of ToriOS into partition #6 and swap into partition #2 (using the advanced OBI level, but not gparted, partition #6 was already prepared when I booted).

- default language and other settings (but skipped pae kernel).

- You managed to unmount /mnt :-) but I noticed that the ext4 partitions were mounted at /media/... :-(

5. I rebooted (default now into partition #6). This time there was a problem, maybe a glitch with the BIOS in my Toshiba. After shutdown and cold boot, it worked.

I run sudo update-grub to get access to the previously installed operating systems.

6. I rebooted into itself (partition #6). It was fast like it should.

7. I rebooted into the other ToriOS (partition #1). It was very slow :-(
but finally succeeded.

I rebooted again without 'quiet splash' (1 min 30 s delay).

'A start job is running ofr dev-disk-by ... (and a timer until 1 min 30 seconds has passed). I think such errors are somehow connected to systemd, at least it happened during testing when systemd was introduced.

8. I rebooted into Lubuntu and had the same problem (1 min 30 s delay).

This happens after running the OBI-installer at the advanced level. It is not caused by gparted, and not by running sudo update-grub, because it worked before running the OBI-installer at the advanced level.


*. So we have a system that works, but punishes previously installed systems with a 1 min 30 s delay :-P

I see the problem, but I don't understand how it can happen, and I don't know how to solve it :-(

But I have an idea how to work around it ;-)

Probably the only task that really might need chroot is installing the bootloader, and that task might not cause this damage. Now you have the same [grub] system in the live session and the tarball, so you probably you do not even need chroot for that task. I don't use chroot in my original One Button Installer, but it was introduced in 9w, where I run a Debian system to install from Ubuntu tarballs.

- Move the advanced chroot tasks into 'firstrun' tasks in the installed system: for example sudo update-grub

Finally, I'm not suggesting that you should do this instantly.

*It might be better to release ToriOS-debian as it is now*

It works, even if it is slow to boot the previously installed systems. I think you should discuss it with the other involved people, at the very least with Jack and Ali.

Best regards

Follow ups