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Re: Logs for missing volume and battery icons


On 08/03/2016 02:13 AM, Cinque Port Computers wrote:

Hi israel,

Those logs came from a session where I booted into the desktop and all icons were visible; I then logged out; and logged back in again and saw no volume or battery icon; at that point I captured the logs that I've attached.


Subject: Re: Logs for missing volume and battery icons
To: jackdtrice@xxxxxxxxxxx
CC: jackdtrice@xxxxxxxxx; torios-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; nio.wiklund@xxxxxxxxx
From: israeldahl@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 15:02:06 -0500

Hi Jack, is this a session where the volume indicator was not working?
From the looks of the log there is nothing to indicate it didn't work.

Can you please double check and send the ~/.starttorios.log from a session where it DID NOT work. I am expecting to see an error about echo in relation to torios-volume.... that is the error I have previously gotten when it didn't work for me.


On 08/02/2016 12:49 AM, Cinque Port Computers wrote:

    Israel --  as requested.



Hi, Jack.

Thanks.  I recently updated the volume indicator so update the computer.

There is a menu item to update the computer, try it out (if you haven't already). And see if that helps any.

I also updated the menu script in hopes it might help as well.


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