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Re: Logs for missing volume and battery icons


Hi Israel,
I updated as you suggested; rebooted; volume and battery icons were present in the panel as expected but...when I logged out and logged back in again they were NOT present (as before).
Logs atttached ...

Subject: Re: Logs for missing volume and battery icons
To: jackdtrice@xxxxxxxxxxx
CC: nio.wiklund@xxxxxxxxx; torios-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: israeldahl@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2016 07:17:49 -0500

    On 08/03/2016 02:13 AM, Cinque Port
      Computers wrote:

        Hi israel,

        Those logs came from a session where I booted into the
          desktop and all icons were visible; I then logged out; and
          logged back in again and saw no volume or battery icon; at
          that point I captured the logs that I've attached.



            Subject: Re: Logs for missing volume
            and battery icons

            To: jackdtrice@xxxxxxxxxxx

            CC: jackdtrice@xxxxxxxxx; torios-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;

            From: israeldahl@xxxxxxxxx

            Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 15:02:06 -0500


            Hi Jack, is this a session
              where the volume indicator was not working?

              From the looks of the log there is nothing to indicate it
              didn't work.


              Can you please double check and send the
              ~/.starttorios.log from a session where it DID NOT work. 
              I am expecting to see an error about echo in relation to
              torios-volume.... that is the error I have previously
              gotten when it didn't work for me.




              On 08/02/2016 12:49 AM, Cinque Port Computers wrote:

              Israel --  as requested.






    Hi, Jack.

    Thanks.  I recently updated the volume indicator so update the

    There is a menu item to update the computer, try it out (if you
      haven't already).  And see if that helps any.

    I also updated the menu script in hopes it might help as well.


gtk theme: Numix
icon theme: Numix-Circle
as themes

using /usr/bin/gconftool-2 to set Numix as gtk_theme
using /usr/bin/gconftool-2 to set Numix-Circle as icon_theme
[WARNING] gsettings: 
does not exist or is not executable
ran: /home/jack/.config/jsm-mouse
/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=gpg
/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11
/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=secrets
/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=ssh
xset -dpms
xset s off -dpms
jwm -restart
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, unsecure memory might get used

** (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:2036): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

** (nm-applet:2033): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

(nm-applet:2033): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:2634:31: Missing name of pseudo-class

(nm-applet:2033): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:2637:33: Missing name of pseudo-class

(nm-applet:2033): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:2641:33: Missing name of pseudo-class

(nm-applet:2033): libnm-glib-CRITICAL **: nm_secret_agent_register: assertion 'priv->registered == FALSE' failed
Wed  3 Aug 13:38:45 BST 2016
running /usr/bin/x-session-manager
USER: jack
export SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/torios-askpass
export XDG_MENU_PREFIX=lxde-
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/jack/.config
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/local/share:/usr/share
export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/usr/share/upstart/xdg:/etc/xdg
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/home/jack/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=/home/jack/.local/share/
/usr/bin/jwm-places: line 115: LANGUAGE: unbound variable
** Message: x-terminal-emulator has very limited support, consider choose another terminal
/usr/bin/jwm-places: line 115: LANGUAGE: unbound variable

** (pcmanfm:1983): WARNING **: modules directory is not accessible

** (sakura:2646): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

(sakura:2646): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:2634:31: Missing name of pseudo-class

(sakura:2646): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:2637:33: Missing name of pseudo-class

(sakura:2646): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:2641:33: Missing name of pseudo-class

Follow ups
